ECP5 is a great FPGA, it was reversed in Trellis, it’s bigger than ICE40 that was reversed before in icestorm project. And it have lots of cool stuff like
- multipliers
- serdes
- 25klut min (85 max)
- and lots of memory bits
But ECP5 board available on the web are little bit expensive (if you have nothing to do with it ;). Even the OrangeCrab will be about 80$ minimum (but with DDR3 and USB on it).
There is a rumor on the web that this leds display board include an ECP5 :

It’s really interesting, because this board cost only $15 ! With the dual SDRAM (M12L16161A) provided and its dual gigabit ethernet phy (Boardcom B50612D B1KMLG). For this low-cost price I order one of course.

I just received it and if we remove the sticker we see a Lattice ECP5 ( LFE5U-25F-6BG256C).
\o/ It’s a really lowcost ECP5 dev kit !
But without schematics. Mike Walter began to reverse it and document the board on its github project.
[Edit 1 March]
Anton Blanchard give the jtag+uart pinout on its twitter profile :

I configured the FPGA with this adapter from seeedstudio (7.6$), which is a simple FT2232 adapter.
Connect and configure with openFPGALoader
ECP5 is available in openFPGALoader list as we can see :
$ openFPGALoader --list-fpga
IDCode manufacturer family model
0x81113043 lattice ECP5-5G LFE5UM5G-85F-8BG381
0x100381b Gowin GW1N GW1N-4
0x20f30dd altera cyclone 10 LP 10CL025
0x3620093 xilinx spartan7 xc7s15ftgb196-1
0x362d093 xilinx artix a7 35t xc7a35
0x900281b Gowin GW1N GW1N-1
0x1100581b Gowin GW1N GW1NR-9
0x13631093 xilinx artix a7 100t xc7a100
0x41111043 lattice ECP5 LFE5U-25F-6BG256C
0x612bd043 lattice MachXO3LF LCMX03LF-6900C
$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent --detect
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
model LFE5U-25F-6BG256C
family ECP5
Open source synthesize and place&route tools
We can then load a simple blinker bitstream with openFPGALoader. But first, we have to synthesize one. Trabucayre gave me a simple blinker project I added to the BLP (Blinking Led Project).
This project require yosys, nextpnr and trellis to be installed. Installations instructions are given on trellis repository.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd prjtrellis/libtrellis
$ make
$ sudo make install
Then for next-pnr:
$ git clone
$ cd nextpnr
$ cmake -DARCH=ecp5 -DTRELLIS_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ .
$ make
$ sudo make install
And finally Yosys
$ git clone
$ cd yosys
$ make
$ sudo make install
Synthesize blinker
The blinker projet can be found on this github repository :
$ git clone
$ cd blp/platforms/colorlight/
$ make
ecppack --svf blink.svf blink_out.config blink.bit
Then, once JTAG is plugged we can download it with openFPGALoader :
$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent blink.bit
Open file blink.bit DONE
Parse file DONE
Enable configuration: DONE
SRAM erase: DONE
Loading: [==================================================] 100.000000%
Disable configuration: DONE
And see the orange LED blinking !
Some links
[this article will be edited as I progress]
very nice article for starting with colorlight board.
I followed it trough but when I get to downloading the blinker project to FPGA I get this problem:
DirtyJTAG probe limited to 600kHz
Open file blink.bit DONE
Parse file DONE
Enable configuration: FAIL
Config Target Selection : 0
Done Flag
Std PreAmble
SPIm Fail1
No err
Do you know what could be the problem?
Hi Filip,
Your problem seems to come from a bug in openFPGALoader.
Bug that has just been fixed.
You should clone the last git head of openFPGALoader and test it.
Tell me if it’s ok.
It works! Thank you so much!
Now I’m able to develop FPGA with 17$ hardware (15$ board and 2$ JTAG cable) 🙂
Can you give a reference for your 2$ JTAG cable please ?
It is 2$ bluepill STM32 board with DirtyJTAG firmware:
I have an issue with the Colorlight:
Info: [ 37376, 38679) |***********
ecppack --svf blink.svf blink_out.config blink.bit
seb@seb-MINT ~/blp/platforms/colorlight $ openFPGALoader -cdigilent blink.bit
Error: device a0911043 not supported
The board is correctly detected but model changes a bit:
$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent --detect
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
model LFE5U-25
family ECP5
$ openFPGALoader -b colorlight -cdigilent /home/seb/simpleButton.bit
Board colorlight has not default cable
Unknown device family
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::exception'
what(): std::exception
Could you please help me?
Thank you a lot.
If you try without «-b colorlight» option ?
$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent /home/seb/simpleButton.bit
Unknown device family
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::exception’
what(): std::exception
Allways the unknown device familly issue
Tested on Ubuntu 20.10 and same result:
seb@seb-PC:~/blp/platforms/colorlight$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent blink.bit
Unknown device family
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::exception’
what(): std::exception
Abandon (core dumped)
seb@seb-PC:~/blp/platforms/colorlight$ openFPGALoader -cdigilent –detect
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
model LFE5U-25
family ECP5
Could you try with -v option to have more informations and check physical JTAG connection?
Which JTAG probe you use?
Here with the -v option:
seb@seb-PC:~/blp/platforms/colorlight$ openFPGALoader -v -cdigilent simpleButton.bit
found 1 devices
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
model LFE5U-25
family ECP5
File type : bit
Unknown device family
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::exception’
what(): std::exception
Abandon (core dumped)
Sipeed usb jtag to TTL from seeedstudio
the FPGA is warming a bit like 40°C to 50°C when powerred on, is this normal?
Hello Fabien,
Nice article thank you!
I’ve got trouble to load the colorlight with an dirtyJTAG cable ;
~/blp/platforms/colorlight$ openFPGALoader -cdirtyJtag -v blink.bit
DirtyJTAG probe limited to 600kHz
found 1 devices
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
model LFE5U-25
family ECP5
File type : bit
Open file blink.bit DONE
Parse file DONE
Lattice bitstream header infos
Part: LFE5U-25F-6CABGA256
IDCode : 41111043
Config Target Selection : 0
Std PreAmble
EXEC Error
Enable configuration: DONE
SRAM erase: DONE
Loading: [==================================================] 100.000000%
Config Target Selection : 0
JTAG Active
ISC Enable
Write Enable
Read Enable
Std PreAmble
EXEC Error
Any hint?
Ok, I figure out what was wrong… the colorlight board was powered with an external power supply (+5vcc) so I figured that I didn’t need to power the JTAG pin j33 with 3.3v. I was wrong!
[From admin: comments have problems, here a message from Alexander Bleitner]
Thank you for the comment. I was having the same issue!
Before connecting 3v3 as well I got the error:
$ openFPGALoader -cft2232 blink.bit -v
Can't read iSerialNumber field from FTDI: considered as empty string
Jtag frequency : requested 6.00MHz -> real 6.00MHz
found 1 devices
index 0:
idcode 0x41111043
manufacturer lattice
family ECP5
model LFE5U-25
irlength 8
File type : bit
Open file: DONE
Parse file: DONE
bitstream header infos
Part: LFE5U-25F-6CABGA256
idcode: 41111043
mismatch between target's idcode and bitstream idcode
bitstream has 0x41111043 hardware requires 0xffffffc3
Error: Failed to program FPGA: std::exception
and with openocd instead of openFPGAloader
$ openocd -f colorlight.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : clock speed 25000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: ecp5.tap tap/device found: 0x41111043 (mfg: 0x021 (Lattice Semi.), part: 0x1111, ver: 0x4)
Warn : gdb services need one or more targets defined
svf processing file: "blink.svf"
95% Error: tdo check error at line 17
Error: READ = 0xffffffc3
Error: WANT = 0x41111043
Error: MASK = 0xffffffff
Time used: 0m0s446ms
svf file programmed failed
This log might help other people find the solution
Best Regards from across the Rhine,