openFPGALoader is an open source C++ utility prog used to program/configure FPGA.
The goal of this project is to have one command line program to configure all types of FPGA regardless of probe or development kit is used.
For the moment the following FPGA are supported :
- Gowin GW1N (GW1NR-9) (SRAM only)
- Lattice MachXO3LF
- Xilinx Artix 7 xc7a35ti (memory and spi flash)
- Intel Cyclone 10 LP 10CL025
But the project is growing fast, no doubt that other FPGA will be supported soon.
Not only it’s easier to use than GUI, but it really fastest. With a MachXO3 6900 and digilent HS3 probe it take about 10 seconds on my computer :
$ time openFPGALoader -cdigilent_hs3 bitstream.jed
Open file bitstream.jed DONE
Parse file DONE
Enable configuration: DONE
SRAM erase: DONE
Enable configuration: DONE
Flash erase: DONE
Writing: [==================================================] 100.000000%
Verifying: [==================================================] 100.000000%
Write program Done: DONE
Disable configuration: DONE
Refresh: DONE
real 0m10,274s
user 0m0,728s
sys 0m1,676s
With official lattice diamond programer it take me 50 seconds.