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La liste des modules «officiels» pour simuler différents bus avec CocoTB
- Sadly IPEXPRESS generates a malfunctional EFB module (at least if verilog is selected) if only I2C configuration (without WISHBONE) is selected. As long as the Lattice support keeps ignoring reports about that a workaround is required. On the bright side this is not that tough. After module generation one simple opens the corresponding .v file and add an input wire e.g. wb_clk_in. Then replace ".WBCLKI(scuba_vlo)" by ".WBCLKI(wb_clk_in)" and make sure that a clock with appropriate frequency is connected to wb_clk_in (WISHBONE clock frequency can be modified in IPEXPRESS during EFB instantiation).
Un tuto sur le «framework» UVM dans le cas d'un driver Wishbone
Un exemple d'utilisation du bus wishbone avec Migen.